Enhancing the Wellness Offering for Hospitality

The company embraces corporate welfare with NEXUMSTP SpA

In 2022, the Apulia Faber association was founded. It is a network of professionals and entrepreneurs who promote the development of real estate investments in Puglia, acting in a highly qualified, professional and ethical manner. The creation of a network, aimed at supporting the integration of skills, knowledge and specializations in real estate, responds to the need to offer reliable interlocutors who can become a reference point for investors - especially foreign ones - who, while choosing Puglia, fear the complexities they may encounter. Professionals (Italian and foreign) and artisan entrepreneurs who act synergistically and autonomously to develop new projects and simplify their realization.
«Four thematic roundtables to discuss the relevant issues of Apulian real estate: Sustainability in construction; Protection of the landscape and natural resources; State/regional incentives and PNRR; Transport and mobility. But above all, the ability of the local productive fabric to intercept an increasingly interested public in the appeal of the Apulian territory, which has become over the years a place capable of attracting foreign investors».
The thematic roundtables of "Faber Lab" aim to perfect the organized offer of services, up to an idea of sustainable transformation of the real estate, becoming a reference point, with a working model that will soon be presented on a national scale, thanks to the participation in presentation events within the most important events in the sector.